Big Ben (1993)

Released as a member of the mail-in International Action Force four pack, Big Ben was repainted to reflect the more colorful palette prevalent in the last two series of 90s Joes. His original 1991 version is one of the best of that under-appreciated bunch. By the 2000s, collectors had been treated to several more releases of the character, and I

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Micro Force Grunt

By Past Nastification “Deformed” toys typically hold little appeal for me. Star Wars Galactic Buddies, or whatever they’re called… The cutesy Marvel figures with oversized eyes… Anything ever made by Pop… I just don’t get the adoration. So imagine my self-loathing when I discovered that I liked the GI Joe Micro Force mini-figures from 2012. Micro Force was one of

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Clutch (1983)

Clutch was my favorite character in the early Marvel comics issues. Rather than a cookie cutter personality, he was a colorful and opinionated (to put it mildly) presence among his teammates. His back and forth with his comrades made for the kind of character interaction that drew me into the world. As a figure, he’s also unique. It would have

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