10 Years
Read more »Hey everyone, Anything interesting happen while I was away? I’ve been off on a quest to learn the art of mold-making and casting. I’ve made and sold custom figures via
A Letter From Joe A Day
Read more »Well folks, I’ve got to break it to you. I’m going to step away from Joe A Day. This year has been a challenge for me in the Real World,
Cobra Ninja (Code Name: Storm Shadow)
Read more »Hard to believe it’s been almost eight years since I started this project. It’s probably even harder to believe that in those years, I’ve not covered the original Storm Shadow
Medi-Viper (2005)
Read more »By Past Nastification The Medi-Vipers’ origin date waaaay back to the Marvel Comics run, where they popped up from time to time. They wore the old-fashioned head mirrors on their
Accelerator Suit Duke (Rise of Cobra)
Read more »By KansasBrawler I’ve professed my love for the sci-fi elements of the G.I. Joe brand quite a few times before on this blog. With that context in mind, it should
Captivating Cover: Marvel Issue 25
Read more »35 years ago today, this issue hit spinner racks. It quickly became a touchstone in my GI Joe collecting, and was one of the first issues that sold me on
Dog Handler (Code Name: Mutt)
Read more »During my recent refocus on chronological coverage of the Joe team, I uncovered a few surprising subjects missing from my years of past posts. One of the biggest exclusions was
Cobra Eels (1985)
Read more »By KansasBrawler Ever since I rediscovered the Joe brand in high school during the relaunch era, I’ve been strangely fascinated with a few vintage figures I didn’t have as a
Zartan (2007)
Read more »By Past Nastification The fingerprint of Devil’s Due is all over this Zartan, although nothing on the packaging would indicate it. DD might have been denied any credit deserved for
Flamethrower (Code Name: Blowtorch)
Read more »Blowtorch was one of the first figures of 1984 that I was excited–and I mean really excited–to get. I was also excited to find out what the figure’s code name
Jungle Trooper (Code Name: Recondo)
Read more »There are a few GI Joe figures that have passed beyond the realm of simply being well made and memorable to the die hard fans. Figures like the original Cobra
Big Jim Double Trouble Comic Ad
Read more »Man–it’s hard to believe I’ve been chronicling the amazing toy line that is Large James for almost eight years! As you know if you follow this blog regularly, I hold
Blowtorch (50th Anniversary)
Read more »By KansasBrawler All right, loyal readers, I have a confession to make. I bought the 25th Anniversary Blowtorch and had buyer’s remorse pretty quickly. I don’t know why, but I
Tracker (Code Name: Spirit)
Read more »In the days of the Sunbow cartoon, I couldn’t quite fathom why Spirit was set up as an antagonist for Storm Shadow, when Snake Eyes was also about. Maybe it
Twin Battle Gun (Whirlwind)
Read more »I am a sucker for the towed artillery that peppered the early years of the Real American Hero line. These weapons bring a variety to the battlefield beyond tanks and
Skimobile (Polar Battle Bear)
Read more »Does it get any sweeter than the Polar Battle Bear? I think not. Since 1983, this has been my go-to winter/arctic vehicle. Yes, I even elevate it above the Snow
Cobra Night Watch Officer (25th Anniversary)
Read more »By KansasBrawler Overall, the 25th Anniversary line, while far from perfect, did a great job at referencing just about every facet of the small scale Joe brand’s history. One of
Battle Armor (S.N.A.K.E.)
Read more »One of the great elements of the relaunched Joes of the 80s were the options in lower price points. For a little more dough than what you’d spend on a
Flag Points Podcast Lives On at 3DJoes!
Read more »The entire run of Flag Points is now available at 3DJoes! It was an honor to be a part of the show, and I can’t wait to listen back to
Heavy Duty (50th Anniversary)
Read more »By KansasBrawler If you told me that Hasbro was going to give Heavy Duty some attention again, I probably would have laughed at you. Don’t get me wrong, I have

Yo Joe! Transform! Planet Comicon 2018 Panel
Here’s the audio along with accompanying slides of our recent GI Joe/Transformers lineage panel. We think there’s some intriguing connective tissue between the two properties,
Featured Video
Nice Pants
Tunnel Rat (2004 Desert Patrol Squad)
The venerable vintage Tunnel Rat mold has seen release numerous times since its debut in 1987. It’s been Night Force (twice), a Sonic Fighter, Tiger
Air Raid (2009)
Ode to Air Raid Though your moniker may be Franklin Talltree, You don’t look much like Airborne to me, Was your name the result of
Video Reviews

Turkey Day Video Review
It’s Thanksgiving in the US, and that means a lot of us will be partaking of heaping helpings of turkey. I thought we’d pile on
JAD Needs Your Help
Hey, it’s Rob from Joe A Day, the daily GI Joe blog that ran from 2011 to 2019. The site hosting is due on April