Field Report Friday: Burn Out by KansasBrawler

It’s Black Friday! What does that mean for Joe A Day? Not much, other than the fact that Friday means a Field Report. Check out Burn Out from the Dreadnoks seven pack here.
Read moreIt’s Black Friday! What does that mean for Joe A Day? Not much, other than the fact that Friday means a Field Report. Check out Burn Out from the Dreadnoks seven pack here.
Read moreHappy Thanksgiving! In honor of Turkey day, it’s another of the GI Joe toy line’s less successful items. Pull up a chair and have a big slice of holiday turkey, Joe A Day style.
Read moreHere they are, the original single carded lineup. And they are lined up, to an extent. The horizontal structure of this page of the catalog is even stronger than the previous entries, and the landscape format allows for the largest possible photos of the individual figures. The figures are placed in the best action poses that could be achieved considering
Read moreContinuing on from yesterday, I neglected to mention the inspiration for going back to coverage of a catalog, and specifically the first year. When recording a recent Flag Points episode, I was struck by memories of the Christmas catalogs of old, sometimes also known as Wish Books. I would spend plenty of time as a kid looking through those wonderful
Read more1982 reintroduced GI Joe for a new generation of kids. The first year also brought the first of many cross-sell catalogs, which were packaged along with boxed vehicles and accessories. From the get-go, Hasbro’s 80s GI Joe marketing team was hitting on all cylinders. Compared to later catalogs, the 1982 version is an almost minimalist design. From the stark white
Read moreGI Joe vs Cobra
Read moreNot only is this another Sigma 6 entry, but it’s also a flash back to one of my earliest posts covering the series. My opinions haven’t changed in regards to the sometimes derided detour in Joe’s storied past. Reading back over this post, I have to disagree with my past self, and say that, having seen a custom of
Read moreIt’s another Friday, and like clockwork, KansasBrawler has another super-detailed Field Report to share. Check out the 30th anniversary line’s Hazard-Viper right here.
Read moreAs much grief as the GI Joe Extreme concept gets, there were some interesting aspects of Hasbro’s ill-fated second attempt to follow-up the Real American Hero era. The animated series and comic book were decent, for what they were, and certainly surpassed the toys in terms of overall entertainment value. As lackluster as the toys were, I do have a
Read moreHave you ever searched and searched for a toy, admiring it via pictures on packaging (or these days, online) and wondered whether you’re going to find it? Sure, there are more opportunities now than there used to be in terms of finding and buying exactly what you want. If you’ve got the money, between ebay and Amazon, pretty much everything
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