The Power of Packaging: Construction Commandos (2015)

Now this is what the Power of Packaging feature is all about. The San Diego Comic Con exclusive GI Joe Kre-O set came as a surprise this year, considering that the Hasbro building block system seems to be on hiatus, at least in the US. The subject matter (Sgt. Slaughter) was also unexpected, considering what you often hear about the

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Techno-Viper (2014 Kre-O)

The Techno-Viper was for me the last gasp of Cobra Troops in my years of buying Joes as a kid. I liked the unique specialty, the colors and the accessories. What’s not to like about a Cobra who came with a giant wrench? It’s as cool from a combat engineer perspective as Tollbooth’s massive sledge. As much as I wanted

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Zarana (2014 Kre-O)

I was just remembering that I had a Zarana figure as a kid, but not Zandar. Why? Who knows, maybe I just found her look more interesting. Zandar today seems to me to be sort of clownish. Oh well. I was surprised to see her show up in the Kre-O line when she did, although I suppose the limited number

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Cobra Trooper (2014 Kre-O)

Over the course of the Kre-O GI Joe run, there have been quite a few different variations of the classic “blueshirt” Cobra Trooper. Some were straight copies of the ’82-83 baddies, while others were new adaptations of the familiar helmeted henchmen. At a first glance of photos online, I thought that the figure was based on the 25th Anniversary Cobra

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Wet-Suit (2014 Kre-O)

No matter how many Kre-O figures I cover, or how long it is between them, I still enjoy revisiting these little guys. They’re just pure joy to me; nice little blocky breakdowns of the toys I loved as a kid. The class of 1986 was the last set of Real American Hero Joes that I connected with on the same

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Cutter (2013 Kre-O)

No, it’s not an exclusive brick version of the long forgotten GI Joe barber, it’s the pilot of the WHALE. Unfortunately for 80s nostalgists, that impressive watercraft was not rendered in the Kre-O format. Instead, Cutter commander the Thunderwave Jet Boat, a moderately sized and fun vehicle in its own right. The boat didn’t really have a corollary in the

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