Snake Eyes (2013)

Can ’85 Snake Eyes ever be equaled in RAH fans’ minds? I’m not sure, but Hasbro seems willing to keep trying out new versions of our favorite ninja commando. In the 25th anniversary series alone, there were three attempts at a modern version of the classic mold. While the first was a more straight militaristic interpretation of the original, there

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Cobra Commander (2013)

Yesterday’s post echoes many of my thoughts on this figure. I can sum up most of my thoughts quickly. This is the Cobra Commander we should have gotten back in the days of the 25th anniversary. Scale, proportion and poseability are all greatly improved from earlier modern styled figures. For all the attention to detail given this figure, I am

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Storm Shadow (2013 12 inch)

The Renegades Storm Shadow released a couple of years ago was one of the most impressely articulated and accessorized versions of the classic Cobra ninja. It featured all the articulation improvements of the modern line, along with incredibly detailed and intricate accessories. If you thought that figure just had too much of both, then I’ve got the perfect figure for

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Cobra Bazooka Trooper (2008)

I like the concept of the early days of Cobra and their use of specialized troops that look like the regular infantry with only a few different accessories. The Marvel comic had a few sprinkled throughout the early issues. Simplicity is the name of the game with this figure, and that also plays out in the file card, as these

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Blowtorch (2011)

Among the many cool thingsĀ the Pursuit of Cobra line accomplished, it improved on a few figures released as part of the 25th anniversary assortments. Blowtorch really isn’t all that new, but he incorporates some small details that make the figure stand out from its previous version. When this figure was announced, I thought it would just be a re-hash of

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Cobra Commander (2008 Comic Pack)

Since a new, and apparently improved, modern version of Cobra’s leader is coming out soon, I thought I’d spend a little time looking at one of the many previous versions. The 25th Cobra Commander isn’t one of my favorite versions of old bumper face. It has issues with proportion and the overall sculpt just leaves me a little cold. The

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Duke (2008 Tiger Force)

As much as Duke gets grief from collectors now and again, I’ve not really had a problem with the character. Maybe that comes from being a fan of the Sunbow cartoon, and the great voice acting of Michael Bell. Now that I’m thinking about it, Duke really didn’t do much in those first few mini-series until later in each one.

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Croc Master (2008)

Croc Master, being part of the Cobra class of 1987, sometimes gets the business from collectors. The year is often cited as the beginning of the Real American Hero series’ downhill slide from the heights of early 80s greatness. If you look back at the year as a whole though, there are quite a few fantastic figures, and some that

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Mutt & Junkyard (2008)

The 25th anniversary series mainly appealed to me as a way to obtain some of the old card art without paying out the wazoo for them. Card art was probably as big a factor for me in what made GI Joe stand out from other toy lines as the figures themselves. The individual portraits were eye-catching and held the promise

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