Roadblock (1993 Star Brigade)

In all of Roadblock’s years of release, which sub-team or iteration of GI Joe hasn’t he been a part of? Tiger Force, Battle Corps, Anti-Venom, Heavy Assault Squad, Sound Attack, Resolute, and the movie-verse. As the team’s heavy machine gunner, probably his most “against type” appearance came in 1993, when he became an astronaut. It may not make a whole

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Dial-Tone (GI Joe Collectors’ Club)

By KansasBrawler The Collectors’ Club’s first foray into modern-style construction came in the form of Dial-Tone, arguably one of the most popular characters that somehow managed to avoid getting updated during the 25th Anniversary line. (Sorry, I don’t count the Crimson Strike Team set since there really wasn’t much done in terms of having to create characters whole cloth—they either

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Ace (1998)

Sometimes toys are great, when a concept and execution come together to produce a toy that lives on beyond its original purpose. In the 80s and 90s GI Joe lines, there have been more than a handful of them. As vehicles go, the GI Joe Skystriker stands out among its peers as a classic. Alongside the Star Wars X-Wing, it

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Recondo (2004)

The saga of the interchangeable Recondo and Clutch (or Double Clutch, as he was known for a while) in the early 2000s can be a confusing thing. In 2003, the same mold represented these two very different characters. Not an odd thing in the GI Joe world, considering that mold re-use has been pretty common since the days of the

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Cutter (1992 DEF)

My original Cutter figure did most of his on-duty toy time at the helm of the WHALE (naturally). Outside of that vehicle, he commanded the Tactical Battle Platform, which seemed like a natural fit. I didn’t have a USS Flagg as a kid, otherwise I’m sure he would have manned that gargantuan playset in some way. I know, he’s Coast

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