Destro (2004)

Destro changed up his style with this release, opting for a longer, almost safari type jacket done up in grey. We’re so used to Destro’s original uniform, with its mix of Disco and supervillain sleek, that any deviation seems odd. However, this more militaristic look also suits him, and is one that I wouldn’t mind seeing the character revisit. I

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Quickstrike (2004)

I feel that I’ve been remiss in my coverage of GI Joe vehicles. After all, they’re as important an aspect of the brand as the figures, especially in the years since Joe’s reintroduction in the 1980s. What kind of all-inclusive GI Joe blogger am I to not have represented more of the great rides of Joe history after over two

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Dr. Mindbender (2004)

Well, the good Doctor finally found a little humility in the new millennium, and put on a shirt. After all, what makes more sense for a mad scientist type than a white lab coat? The man can’t leave behind his flair for fashion however, and picked out a side buttoning affair along with jackboots and bloused pants. He’s even sporting

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Gung Ho (2004)

Much was made of Night Force this year, with the convention exclusive set focusing on the popular GI Joe sub-team. Believe it or not, Night Force got a little bit of love during the second o-ring era. First there was a two-pack during the Spy Troops series, then a second set within Valor vs. Venom. Gung Ho is an interesting

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Snow Wolf (2005)

The 1985 Snow Serpent has been one of my favorite Cobra troopers since its original release. One of the most iconic figures in the line, it was also highly accessorized for its time. Better yet, the Snow Serpent could stow or carry all of his gear at once. The legacy of Cobra cold weather troops continued in the relaunch series,

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Chief Torpedo (2004)

The original Torpedo is a classic of the early years of the Real American Hero era. He’s a great figure, but outside of an underwater setting, his usefulness is limited. The Sunbow cartoon often had Torpedo running about in white t-shirt and jeans; not the most battle-ready of outfits, but more at home in a land battle than a wet

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Dusty (2004)

This redesigned version of Dusty from the Valor vs. Venom series is recognizable as Mr. Tadur thanks to his wearing a variation on his old helmet, complete with the fancy neck protector in the back. I remember for a moment in the 80s when those little flaps on hats were quite popular. Especially on painters’ caps. Checkered ones. Were we,

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Tunnel Rat (2004)

GI Joe figures of the 80s and 90s were based on a common sculpt size. There were a few that stood a bit taller, wider or bulkier here and there, but for the most part you could count on Joes and Cobras being around the same size. Tunnel Rat has always been portrayed as being smaller in stature, and this

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Cobra Infantry Trooper (2004)

If you were collecting the early 2000s GI Joe lines, there wasn’t much competition to pick up whatever you wanted. Sometimes there was a bit of a shortage of army builders, or of a variant here and there. For the most part though, it was generally clear sailing to pick up entire waves in one go. That changed with the

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