Storm Shadow (2008)

Storm Shadow (2008)Yes, there are a lot of versions of Storm Shadow. Maybe one day, I will have covered them all, before I call the blog quits. Most of the recent versions came from the 2007 with the 25th Anniversary line. As comic pack figures go, this one is somewhat interesting in terms of its look. Based on the character’s appearance in the iconic Marvel GI Joe issue #21, the toy offers no mold differences from the previous year’s releases of the famous Cobra ninja. I would have expected maybe a new forearm with a loose wrapping, revealing the I-ching tattoo from the issue’s dramatic ending, but such is not the case.

The sole difference is instead a more colorful color palette, which is supposed to mimic the simplistic color scheme of the comics of old. It does succeed in that mark, but my memory of issue 21’s colors is one of a more muted range of hues, not to mention Stormy’s lack of sleeves on his tunic. Oh well, one can’t be too nit-picky with these things. If you want the mold without sleeves, by the way, you can pick up the second Cobra five-pack or the Hall of Heroes versions.

Storm Shadow (2008)

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