Roadblock (2004)

Funny enough that one of my favorite Roadblock figures was released in the Valor vs Venom era. Looking back at those last few years of the relaunch series, I find myself missing the idea of Toys R Us exclusive figure packs. Even though the sets were repaints, and many had issues, it was still nice to know that a major retailer was pushing GI Joe. I suppose a bit of that feeling has returned with the exclusive Kre-O sets.

Roadblock was a part of the Anti-Venom Task Force, a new sub-team (in itself exciting) of Joes tasked with combating Dr. Mindbender’s venomization process by administering an anti agent to return its victims back to normal. Too bad none of the figures had a water squirting weapon. It would have been the coolest sub-team since the Eco Warriors.

The task force had a unifying paint scheme, and all but one were provided helmets. Each helmet featured the character’s code name as well as an insignia. This was a new feature, and one that I found to be an interesting added detail. The uniforms and helmets gave the group a very cohesive look that really tie them together in a display.

The 1992 Roadblock mold on which this figure is based still stands as one of my favorite depictions of the team’s heavy machine gunner. Not only did it address the strangely shaped head of the first version, but it also updated his uniform while adding a few new details that added more personality to the figure. I really like the RB belt buckle. Since this Roadblock was originally a 90s figure, it was also more bulky than the previous two, a fitting look for one of the team’s biggest men.

Accessories were pretty standard for a Roadblock figure; his trusty Ma Deuce with tripod, and original backpack were included. The helmet, which was repeated among four of the figures in the pack, is based on the old Steel Brigade helmet design. I don’t have a problem with its appearance here, and even though it’s still recognizable, the color scheme helps blend with the figure. Not to mention the Steel Brigade design has always looked just plain cool.

If the brightly colored pants are a bit too much, the figure was repainted sans helmet in more subdued colors the next year as part of the mostly horrible Heavy Assault Squad set.


  • I agree with you on basically every point here, Rob. I loved the Steel Brigade-style helmets, the 92 Roadblock is my favorite iteration of the mold and the only thing that I didn’t like were how bright his pants were. I liked that set as a whole, but I never pulled the trigger on it for some reason. I don’t really think my collection is incomplete without it, but considering how few flaws there were on it, I’m a little surprised it’s not in my collection.

  • I have the 92 Roadblock, and I love this head sculpt, it has tons of personality. This is a great figure & the unifying accessories and colors are very cool.

  • Can someone tell me if the skin tone on this figure’s head matches that of the Street Fighter Movie Edition Balrog’s arms? I have a custom that hinges on that factor.

  • It was nice figure from a decent set, and he benefits from not having a painted head. I never cared for the waxy look of the plastic used for caucasian characters but painted skin is just one more paint op that can be messed up, and some of the figures from the Anti-Venom team look odd with it (like that Lifeline that was already strange for being a Strechter repaint). Roadblock’s original weapon is good, but it’s sort of a shame they did not get 1992 Roadblock’s massive HMG in the set, you still had to get the Funskool version or Funskool Red Dog to get that gun (unless you could afford a 1992 Roadblock with accessories).

  • I like seeing battle corps moulds done up in realistic colours. Now if only we can get a desert camo ice cream soldier

  • This is certainly the best head sculpt that Roadblock received during the vintage era.

  • One of my favorite figures all around. My 1984 Roadblock was easily retired, and his helmet fits this newer Roadblock well.

    Great, great figure…, I would have bought up all the multi-packs had there been an even heftier amount of Battle Corps figures done up in nice looking redecos like this.

  • The AntiVenom set provided some gems, but “Lifeline” is the absolute worst. Roadblock is maybe the best in the set, and it’s cool to see the v1 accessories with this figure. Also, Balrog is much darker than this version of Roadblock.

  • Thanks for the tip. Does the original 1992 or any of the Star Brigade versions match?

  • Great action figure, best Roadblock’s face sculpt!

  • Dreadnok: Spirit

    Looking at it, this just might be the best Roadblock yet!

  • Pingback: Roadblock (1993) »

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