Specialist Trakker (2008)

Mashups are all the rage in the geek world these days. There are no shortage of t-shirts and other fan art that combine two pop culture properties, whether they be references to movies, comic books or even video games. Hasbro was a bit ahead of the curve in 2008 when they managed to mash GI Joe and MASK together. The result was an interesting departure for a commemorative line that didn’t stray too often from its 80s influences.

Putting MASK and GI Joe into the same universe seems to be a natural fit. As primarily a vehicle line, MASK echoed the beginnings of the Real American Hero series. The MASK figures, while necessary and an integral part of the toy line and cartoon, always struck me as secondary. Though no less cool visually , and a fantastic concept, MASK’s drivers were more perfunctory than even GI Joe’s. Most didn’t even get paint apps for their faces.

Thankfully, the homage wasn’t taken to an extreme, and a Matt Trakker figure finally has painted detail on his face. In fact, this is one of my favorite head sculpts of the 25th anniversary series. He’s a little more stern looking than his cartoon counterpart, who at times seemed so affable that I often wondered if Mr. Trakker wasn’t on some sort of medication.

The accessories struck me at the time as looking more like they should belong to the Iron Grenadiers Annihilators, and I wondered at the time if that trooper would be coming soon. I can definitely see the MASK reference, with both the copter aspect of the backpack as well as its color; both being a nod to Brad Turner’s Condor motorcycle.

The mold does a good job recreating Matt’s flight suit look. It’s the Ace body mold again, but with new arms, and a harness and chest armor. The armor as well as the helmet take some liberties with the old design, and while it’s a different approach to what came before, the basic look of the old figure still comes through. The chest armor, though it is glued to the harness, can be removed fairly easily, and Matt looks even more like his old self without it.

It would have been great to see more MASK and even VENOM agents make it into the GI Joe line, but that was not to be. Maybe some day the two will find a way to join up again. GI Joe could benefit from diversifying into the adventure world once again, and some action feature filled Joe scaled vehicles might even prove popular with kids. I wonder why Hasbro hasn’t yet opted to relaunch MASK?


  • I know a lot of folks really disliked this guy when he was first revealed because of his Not-A-Joe curse, but I find myself really liking him. My brother and I didn’t have a lot of MASK stuff but I remember really loving playing with them as a kid…and again, I am pretty sure that some of the fancier removable helmets (I’m thinking 1992 Wet Suit) wound up being used as stand in pieces with other figures so we could pretend to add MASK characters into our Joe play. I was really glad to see him, but like you, Rob, I was hoping his gear meant Annihilator was coming…he was, but it’s a shame it was as an expensive Club con souvenir.

  • I sure would like to get this guy at some point.

  • Okay Hasbro you’ve given us Matt Traker as a Joe now give us Tess from Pole Position…..Remember Pole Position……[crickets chirp]

    On the subject of MASK when it comes to crossovers. I much prefer them to Transformers crossovers. As much as i love Joe and Transformers. Mixing them toghether is like mashing up tobasco sauce and vanilla ice cream.

    And also on MASK. I heard a really good joke on one of the podcasts a few months ago about how the MASK movie was the worst cartoon/toyfranchise movie as Cher looked nothing like Matt Tracker.

    In regaurds to the MASK cartoon. The last time i saw it [in 1997 when it was on in the 7:30 slot], all the characters took the back seat to T-bob and Scott [Scott Tracker is Seth Greens favorite character] and that made the show harder to watch for older fans

  • I passed on this figure again and again at retail and then discount and now I really wish I wouldn’t have. My little brother was the MASK fan, but this is a neat homage.

  • Dreadnok: Spirit

    I’ve always been a M.A.S.K. fan, so this is a cool figure to me. I think the helmet should’ve been the same color as the rest of the outfit and the head sculpt looks way too stern for Matt Trakker. But, other than that, it’s a great figure. I like that they included an Annihilator-like personal helicopter thing.

  • I think a MASK sub-line would be fun, especially in today’s ‘Joe scale.

    I thought Trakker was good as it’s a new figure/ character for ‘Joe, essentially for a short time being the motor pool master; similar to James Bonds “Q” character in some ways.

  • If Hasbro ever brought out those MASK and VENOM vehicles in 1/18th scale that would be so cool! A great way to relaunch SpyTroops!

  • It’s cool to see another toy line made just like Joes, on the other hand I didn’t see the two propeties being an easy fit as many fans did, maybe because it sort of reduces MASK to being a GI JOE subline, like BF 2000, when they were the stars of their own series.

    Short of the Collector’s Club (so far nothing from the subscription figures), I can’t see them adding anymore MASK characters anytime soon.

  • This is easily my favorite head sculpt from the 25th Anniversary line. I’m sure others have tried it, but I’m thinking of getting an extra Specialist Trakker and use the head for Duke. It’s got the required level of badassery that most Duke figures have always lacked.

    I was never a fan of MASK due to the figures being small and lacking in detail. In addition, the cartoon series irritated me to no end due to Scott and T-Bob taking over what was supposed to be an adventure team show featuring tons of characters on either side. The only thing which I liked were the transforming vehicles. I didn’t mind seeing Matt Trakker incorporated into the Joe line and would welcome a MASK revival if done in Hasbro’s usual 3 3/4″ inch scale. Sadly, I don’t see the current retail market being strong enough to support such a diverse line given how the G.I. Joe brand itself is currently faring.

  • Steven B. Williams

    I really like this figure (I was sure there was a Matt Trakker figure that came with a heli-backpack; I might be remembering incorrectly). I, too, would like to see more M.A.S.K./ V.E.N.O.M. characters adopted into the Joe mythos, especially Sly Raxx. Seeing M.A.S.K. vehicles would be great, too, but sadly, I doubt we’ll see them since they would be tough to redeco/retool the molds. I believe Hasbro flew a trial balloon of the old-style of M.A.S.K. toys with the smaller Human Alliance subline of the ‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’ line. Unfortunately, most of those toys ended up at closeout stores.

  • @Clutch. My little brother was 7 when MASK reruns were airing again in my neck of the woods. He liked the premise but he absolutley hated Scot and T-bob and he was at the age group MASK was originally targeted at.
    Oh and if you think Scot & T-bob are bad, check out the mindnumbingly irritating brats in the Transformers Unicron trilogy. On second thought dont even try watching any of those episodes. Those kids make Scott & T-bob look like Shaft

    @Steven B.Williams
    There is a joke in the Transformers fanbase about how the little Lebouf figure that came with all the Human alliance Bumblebee’s shouldnt be viewed on an expensive peice of harware whilst sipping cofee. One guy laughed at a comment about the figures “suggestive” expression and as a result, ruined his Iphone

  • Dreadnok: Spirit

    Kenner released a M.A.S.K. Adventure Pack called “Jungle Challenge” which included a Matt Trakker figure with a green paint scheme. While he didn’t come with a helicopter, he did include a jet or rocket backpack.

  • Myles Mayhem had the personal helicopter backpack as an opposite to the above mentioned rocket pack. Does anyone know what helmet the mini Matt is sporting? I think it’s the revised Spectrum. I had the original that came with Thunderbird that ended at the jawline. And it’s not the mask that came with the Rhino pilot version of Matt.

    • There were two sets of helmets that were released for the first series of MASK figures, the first resembling the cartoon. The later versions were larger with extra bits that fit over the figures’ chests.

  • I’m a BIG Joe fan, its a shame Hasbro UK DON’T market the toys over here anymore. However I was lucky enough to get the entire wave this figure came in as well as many, many other 25th and 30th figures and vehicles from the US via BigBadToyStore and ebay…

    I REALLY liked this figure and the incorporation of the M.A.S.K branding into Joe. It worked. Period. The reason Hasbro didn’t do more M.A.S.K /V.E.N.O.M figures and vehicles in Joe scale as a sub line was because of the idiotic bitching adult collectors made on well known Joe forums which Hasbro looks at…Its a crying shame. It could have led to a relaunch of the M.A.S.K brand via Joe easily and because of the whining it never happened.

    I hope Hasbro revisit the M.A.S.K brand and bring it back. As a kid I only had one M.A.S.K toy, Condor with Brad Turner, and really wanted others. I finally got another while in my TRU years and years later when the line had died over here in the UK too…Iguana, with Lester Sludge. I’ve had a massive collection since then, sold it and built up another M.A.S.K collection which I won’t be selling again lol…

    I have always reckoned that originally this figure was meant to be an I.G. Annihilator, just look at the helipack and submachine gun?! Then some bright spark turned it into ‘Specialist Trakker’…with amendments to the head, helmet, armour etc…

    Hopefully also a new 30th style, accurate Annihilator will come along, the Con version was rather bad with a reused Lampreys head….uggh.

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