Sand Scorpion (2004)

Cobra has had a share of animal themed troops, but until Valor vs Venom, with its theme of recombinant DNA (courtesy of everyone’s favorite crazed dentist) the animal nature was in name only. Of the three distinct post-RAH figure lines, I found VvV to be the most compelling.

The file card makes being a Sand Scorpion sound like an unwelcome job. The troops have had their DNA mixed with actual scorpions, and they have a pretty gross attribute: breathing scales on their sides. Apparently, it’s quite painful, and so the Sand Scorpions are usually in a very bad mood when they pop out of the sand. Yikes. Who would volunteer for that duty?

As a design, there’s less of a traditional military look than ever, and more of a super villain feel. That was one of the hallmarks of the 2000s GI Joe lines, and was particularly strong in Valor vs. Venom. This guy looks like he could be more likely to be seen going up against Spider Man than the Joe team. Heck, he’s even equipped with a removable pincer and machine gun arm attachments. The colors are quite scorpion-like, and the details of the armor, which look like a scorpion’s carapace, are well done.

A neat feature though is the biomechanical scorpion that attaches like a backpack, and whose tail can swing up over the figure’s head, completing the scorpion look. The little critter also detaches to be used as an animal companion, a nice throwback to the vintage days.

It wouldn’t be a 2000s GI Joe figure without a strange choice of weapon. Here, it’s the old Spearhead rifle, which has always looked huge. In the hands of this somewhat shorter and slim limbed figure, it looks even more out of place.



  • That scorpion backpack is pretty sweet. Some crazy ideas in the VvV line.

  • KansasBrawler

    The details on the V-Troops always impressed me a lot. I especially love the raised Cobra sigil on his chest. The scaling looks nice and that scorpion pack is great. Rob, which version is this…the one I have from the first two-pack has a different color scheme? Was this one of the other two-pack versions or was this a dollar store rerelease? While I prefer the color scheme on mine, the scorpion’s colors are quite a bit better than the original’s pink.

    • Oops, my bad. The figure is actually a single pack repaint, called Desert CLAWS. The colors are reversed with the original Sand Scorpion. Yeah, I need a break from this. I’m starting to lose it.

  • If I were to integrate the V-Troops into my fanfic-verse, it would be as troops who use combat maneuvers based on the attack patterns of deadly animals. Venomous Maximus would have been created using the same procedure for Serpentor, but with animal DNA.

  • Ok, WOW. Just WOW. I have to have the “biomechanical scorpion that attaches like a backpack”. I will add it to my Desert Scorpion figure. That backpack is WAY cooler than the ruber scorpion that originally came with Desert Scorpion.

  • I think i have this guy. I cant remeber if its him or that simmilar figure that had the colours reversed? Guess i’ll have to dig out the shoe box the Spytroops era stuff is in.

    Scorpion backpacks arnt new. I beleive Devastator [or one of the other Action masters] tried one

  • Desert Scorpion is a different figure all together. I like the Desert Scorpion, I believe that is the one in the FSS 2.0…

    • Mamu, you’d have to read all my comments to make sense outta me 🙂

      I originally commented, “wow, now I gotta buy the robotic scorpion to pair with my Desert Scorpion figure” because I liked it so much better than the rubbery crap scorpion that came with Desert Scorpion.

      Then I went on ebay and bought a robo-scorpion. I’m impulsive.

      Then I read the FSS 2.0 email announcement where they announced a Desert Scorpion WITH a robotic scorpion!

      What are the odds of all that happening in 30 minutes time?!

  • LOL nice! I wish they had spaced out the FSS a little better. I can’t afford it right now. Joecon just finished and I’ve got other commitments to pay for right now. I got the first FSS, and there are a few that I’m interested in on the second one, but it is too soon.

    • Yeah, $300 is a lot to ask from fans that just spent >$500 on eBay buying JoeCon toys or >$1,000 going to JoeCon!

      Hard to resist Skullbuster and Night Force Falcon though!

  • yeah I do like those and Desert Scorpion and maybe Widescope… but I think I can spend $100-200 latter and get what I want after the fact instead of $300 now. For me it isn’t an option unfortunately.

  • There’s no way I can do the Club beyond installment plans but all those service fees are outrageous enough to make anyone pass. I wouldn’t have wanted to pay for Tiger Force or Night Force repaints along with regular late 80’s figures as a kid, but the Club keeps leaning uneasily towards that option.

    On the subject at hand, it’s nice to see Spearhead’s rifle. I like it. Someday, there will come a figure huge enough to match its size. The robotic scorpion accessory is also cool and very Bio-Dreadish, as in Captain Power compatible.

    One could argue that the whole costumed super-villain concept dates back to Destro, Zartan, or even the Crimson Twins, but I think it began in earnest around 1987 when guys like Croc Master, Big Boa, Raptor, and Crystal Ball first made the scene. Dr. Mindbender from the year prior sort of kicked things off early. And then there’s the Cobra-La guys. The vintage era had lots of choices to choose from when you think about it.

  • @Clutch
    Costumed super-villainy has been around since 1910. Thats heritage you can trust

  • The robot scorpion puts this guy over the top – in a good way! Only the v2 Eels robot shark missile launcher comes close.

  • That’s what I assumed the first time around, but this one’s more compelling. KeelHaul and Tollbooth should both be worthwhile, and the only ones I really don’t care about are the two Tiger Force variants.

  • And the single card “Desert CLAWS” (Hasbro gets confused by their own redundant Cobra troops!), didn’t have the scorpion gear. The gear you used was from Neurotoxin or the later release of Sand Scorpion that was nearly identical to Neurotoxin (wow, that’s confusing)

  • I liked the (red) scorpion!

  • Now you’ve done it. Because of your blog I’ve gone and kit-bashed my first 3DJoe!

    Once I saw the biomechanical scorpion here, I knew he had to join forces with the 1991 Desert Scorpion.

    Check it out:

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