Wildcard (1988)

Wildcard is an-looking odd driver for an odd-looking vehicle. The Mean Dog was an interesting concept but made for an unwieldy toy. It detaches into three sections: a gun turret, missile vehicle and scout car. I don’t mind the design, and I think for the most part it’s a quite nice looking vehicle. However I don’t get the turret just

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Custom GI Joe Earrings (2012)

Following on from yesterday’s post: what do you get a woman who has everything for her birthday? Well, if you’re a GI Joe geek with a little bit of customizing skill, you make her some earrings using the classic Firefly field phone. Now before you pass out from the prospect of the Firefly phone with a tiny Dremel hole in

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Cobra Commander (1991)

Comic book heroes can be fickle fashionistas. Even the tried and true bigwigs like Superman and Spider-Man have had their fair share of wardrobe changes over the years. Some second string heroes like Marvel’s Wasp and Wonder Man seemed to change their outfits as often as most of us change our socks, many times only appearing in a single issue.

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Night Vulture (1991 Air Commandos)

Gliders, gliders, gliders. The soaring, looping, gliding vehicles made appearances at the beginning and end of the Real American Hero line. I had the Falcon glider as a kid, and it was loads of fun–while it lasted. Even though the glider itself bit the dust after many breakages and careful scotch tape repairs, the exclusive pilot (the legendary tan Grunt) remained. The exclusive

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Rock N Roll (1993 Star Brigade)

Think to yourself, which of the original Joes would be most likely to appear in a squad of space-borne fighters? Flash? Grand Slam? Nope. How about a machine gunner and ex-surfer. Hey, maybe that’s why they picked him. Aren’t surfers stereotypically spacey? Yeah, that’s grasping at straws. Maybe Rock N Roll was picked because of his unique look. His blonde

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Stalker (1994)

Stalker has the distinction of being one of the Joes to see both the beginning and end of the Real American Hero line. The line really looked like it was heading back to its military beginnings with some of the 1994 offerings. Over the course of the RAH run, Stalker has had two types of looks: the beret-wearing Ranger and the

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Ghostrider (1988)

Did you know about a Joe who appeared in the Marvel comic multiple times, yet was never mentioned by name? Such was the fate of Ghostrider, the pilot of 1988’s Phantom X-19, the stealth jet. The Phantom was a truly amazing Joe vehicle. At the time of its release, the public had no idea what the US military’s stealth fighter

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Roadblock (1986)

The original Roadblock figure was a favorite of mine at the time of its release, mostly due to his appearances in the Sunbow cartoon. Yeah, I know it’s not the coolest thing to admit nowadays, but understand that to 11-year-old Rob, the rhyming Joe was a great character. And you know what, I still like Sunbow Roadblock, and not in

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