Snake Eyes (2000)

Snake Eyes (2000)

Over the years, we’ve covered many different flora and fauna of pant. Some have been flashy, some short, some animal print. Snake Eyes, though he tends to dress in variations of black, black and black, has sometimes ventured into the more decorative realm. Usually, these detours have been related to environmentally specific uniforms. This time however, Snake Eyes is sporting a pair of trou like no other. Never before have a Joe’s pants been so…meta. Does Snake Eyes somehow know he’s really only a toy? My mind is blown.

Why would a stealthy commando emblazon his uniform in such a bombastic manner? I think it may have something to do with this particular uniform mold. If you’re a Marvel GI Joe comic fan, you know that this is the outfit that Snakes wore when Storm Shadow put the hoodoo on him with the Arashikage Mind-Set. Well, my theory is that Snake Eyes was in such an awesome ninja killing machine zone that he broke out his official GI Joe battle jammies as a way of instilling even more fear in his enemies. Imagine how badass a guy must be to go into battle with his own toy packaging logo on the front of his thigh. I for one wouldn’t mess with a guy in such nice branded pants.


  • I wonder why they left the blowgun out of this release. Anyone have any ideas?

  • I guess he’s wearing the branded pants so cobra knows who’s side he’s on

  • I hardly gave it much thought as a kid, but having a Joe’s outfit branded with the team’s logo does seem a bit too much, especially on a mysterious and stealthy character such as Snake Eyes.

    Oddly enough, the Cobra sigil has never looked out of place to me, mostly because they’re supposed to be viewed as a cult of crazed fanatics bent on world conquest.

  • This era, when both factions had their NAME emblazoned on their thigh, made some great repaints except for said logo. I’m not crazy about the ’89 mold, but the blue fits well here, not unlike the recent Battle Below Zero version. At least some acetone gets rid of the logo easily. Many of the other figures have paint apps & camo that prevent erasure.

  • I’m guessing the blowgun was left out because someone realized its not easy to blow much air when your mouth is covered. They addressed that issue with Rise of Cobra when they put lips on his mask.

  • Snake Eyes has to stand apart from the Rock Viper from about this same year. (“COBRA” on leg….)

    Both very nice figures from the original design, and other than the logos, still both nice figure re-colors.

    I really like the black tone and the blue on this Snake Eyes and as with many of the 2000-02 ARAH figures enjoyed getting original accessories in the mix.
    The 1989 original figure still stood out as more of a favorite of mine, mostly due to more silver highlights; notably the two big knives on the chest. On this Snake Eyes, the black blades and missed opportunity at adding different black and gray tones to differentiate the layers of design on this mold made it a little less desirable for me.

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