Tiger Force Tunnel Rat

The European exclusive Tiger Force figures are an odd lot when held up against their domestic teammates. While there’s no argument that many of the US Tiger Force team would stand out like sore thumbs in the jungle, they were downright subdued when compared to the fellas from overseas. At first glance, you’d think old T-Rat had stolen the pants

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Cobra Commander (2011)

Throughout his history, Cobra Commander has been a man unafraid to bring a little style into the world conquering game. From his debut in 1982, he was outfitted in a nicely tailored uniform, complete with a snappy, single-breasted waistcoat, cleanly lined epaulets, matching lapel and belt insignia, and spats (yes, spats!) Oh yeah, and if one belt wasn’t good enough,

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Snake Eyes (2000)

Over the years, we’ve covered many different flora and fauna of pant. Some have been flashy, some short, some animal print. Snake Eyes, though he tends to dress in variations of black, black and black, has sometimes ventured into the more decorative realm. Usually, these detours have been related to environmentally specific uniforms. This time however, Snake Eyes is sporting

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Bazooka (1993)

The Battle Corps years probably contain the highest per capita amount of funky trousers in all of GI Joe history. Considering the overall weirdness of the figure designs at the time, it’s not really all that surprising. After all, 1993 gave rise to Giraffe Pants Leatherneck, Stonewash Jeans Cross Country, and Zubaz Night Creeper Leader, just to name a few.

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Nice Pants Week 2014

It’s time again for another colossal celebration of clothing, a five-day festival of festoonery, a remarkable review of raiment–it’s Nice Pants Week! I can’t believe that I’ve neglected to focus on this most essential article of clothing for so long, but here we are. This time, I’ve really tried to break the coverage open a bit more, and in the

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