Major Bludd (2008)

Major Bludd (2008) So, Major Bludd, did they ever get him exactly right in terms of his original toy appearance? I think the Extreme Conditions Desert set came the closest. This one is meant to resemble his portrayal in the Sunbow animated series.

The mold still retains too many bits of Zartan to look exactly like the Major’s cartoon counterpart. With thigh pads and a left arm that more resembles a modern Zartan long sleeved shirt, we’re left again with a figure that just needed a few more dedicated parts. The color scheme however definitely tries to reflect the animated model, with silver and grey in place of the familiar black of the old toy. All told, it’s not a bad figure at all, but I still think the perfect modern Bludd has yet to be made.

By the way, most folks don’t know that a poem was composed by the Major himself addressing the 25th Anniversary series’ lack of original Bludd parts…

“Though I’m composed of loaned-in parts,
My mercenary ways still motivate my heart.
If you feel shortchanged by life and full of raised ire,
Imagine sharing a chest mold with Tripwire.”

Major Bludd (2008)Major Bludd (2008)


  • This was my first and only 25th Major Bludd figure. I hope to get the Desert one at some point.

  • I think he was depicted as having a robotic arm on the Sunbow cartoon as the animators thought thats what it was. If you ask me, his arm is supposed to be covered with some sort of padding to protect it from the blasts from his rocket pistol.

  • I’d kill for a modern Major Bludd. Fat chance, i know…

    • @Deadborder Doesn’t have to come to that. I am fairly certain I have one hanging about I could part with. Let me know if interested.

      @Skymate solid theory, M8! I never really thought of that one and agree with Clutch that it makes sense.

  • Joe “Clutch” Castro

    The desert version is the most accurate of all. Well worth getting loose instead of this and the earlier one.

    What bugs me most is how Hasbro used the padded Flash/Grand Slam torso for Tripwire instead of using Bludd’s.

    The debate surrounding Bludd’s arm is still going strong after 31 years. I like Skymate’s theory, it makes sense.

  • @Clutch & Dak
    I got my theory from the the review of him at It sort of made sense after i read that. That website is also great for Gobots info aswell.
    I have doubts that it would be robotic as cybernetic limbs werent that advanced in 1983. Unless Major Bludd had a job with O.C.P than i’m firm in the beleif that its padding.

  • This is a nice looking Bludd, the colors are great, and look really nice against the red background.
    I prefer to think that his arm is cybernetic. Mostly because I just think it’s cooler. And this is Cobra, whatever cybernetics were like in ’83 I’m sure Cobra had tech way beyond that. It’s super-science, baby!
    But robot-arm or not, Bludd is still one of the best unique Cobras out there.

  • The original Bludd figure’s covered arm had three digits, thumb and two fingers in a clasped pose, I think its both robotic and acts as a form of protection over whats left of that arm when he fires his rocket launcher…Out of all the 25th Bludd’s the Desert ones the best, he looks very cool with the facemask on that he comes with in that set. I have all 3 modern sculpt versions and the Hasbro Shop version, which was also very cool. I used to have the original. I remember, in 1987 seeing one of the final carded Palitoy stock in a single bubble with his correct backpack at the time when Palitoy were carding any old stocks onto whatever card came to hand i.e. ‘Baron Ironblood’ on a FIREFLY A.F. card, no weapons but I suddenly saw this gem in the newsagent near the bakery we owned…Price? 50p, about $1…My Late Dad being a git at the time didn’t give me the cash…the next day, or a day or two later, he finally relented…and Bludd, was gone…I was gutted….anyhow, long story short, I did have him as an adult collector…then sold him along with all the other ARAH era figures when I decided it was time to stop preening over the now decaying ARAH plastic figures…

  • Not a bad figure, but it smacks of the “25th” design. A PoC/30th updated could’ve been the “Ultimate” Bludd. And for what it’s worth, I had a guy tell me the ’83 arm was a real-world glove, and the 3 fingers prevented breakages. We may never know!

  • I thought some designer settled the arm debate and it was just meant to be protection from his odd rocket pistol. The lack of articulation was irritating.

    Bludd hasn’t had an entirely new figure since 1991. Considering he was the second named villain in the vintage ARAH line, he’s somewhat under-appreciated.

  • It would be nice if Hasbro would give us a poseable elbow next time around. Bludd is certainly a character worthy of the “ultimate” treatment somewhere down the line.

  • Since Major Bludd actually made an appearance of sorts in the beginning of Retaliation, I think that was a tease that we’ll see him in Joe 3. Meaning the movie figure and most likely an Ultimate version. Here’s hoping the studio doesn’t screw up distribution again for 3D was useless in the end.

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