Duke Micro Figure (1988)

The 1988 assortments included the unique pack-in premium micro figures, tiny representations of Joes and Cobras in a style and scale similar to the little green army men of old. A brilliant idea, and one that Hasbro might consider revisiting considering the current blind-bag fascination with kiddos these days. Wow, I sound like an old man. Two things strike me

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1983 Airborne Revisited

Posting the 25th anniversary Airborne last week got me to thinking about the original again, and how much I like the figure and character. There’s something timeless about the 1983 figures; they’re slimmer, more muted color-wise and accessorized with some of the most unique weapons and equipment in the line. I wouldn’t describe Mr. Talltree’s uniform as plain; he’s instantly

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Combat Figure Case

First off: I’m a bad daily blogger. I’ve been missing days here and there due to the general stuff of life. My apologies. Second: this weekend I rediscovered an item that led me back on the path to collecting GI Joe toys. The time was the early 90s, and I was heavily into collecting Kenner Star Wars. I frequented local

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Psyche-Out (1988)

By Past Nastification 1987 was a great year for GI Joe. It arguably gave us the last wave of strong characters (or it could be that this was the last year I was solidly into toys). Among these characters was Psyche-Out, the team’s deceptive warfare specialist. That figure was classic, but its lime green quilted short sleeve shirt, could have

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