Major Bludd (1983)

Sebastian Bludd, arguably the most self-serving and cold blooded of Cobra’s operatives, has been a go-to bad guy within my Joeverse since the early 80s. My memory of getting this figure goes back to Christmas 1983. My mom was a frequent catalog shopper, and my wish list was easily fulfilled by Wards, Sears and JC Penney. Bludd was available in a Sears three-pack along with Cobra Commander and Destro, so he joined the Joe pack under the tree that year. Epic battles ensued immediately.

The early named Cobra figures were all about character. Bludd sports a Fu Manchu ‘stache, eye patch, unique helmet, and bulletproof vest adorned with multiple dogtags. Add in the armored appendage and rocket pistol and you’ve got the makings of a classic 80s baddie. Simultaneously over the top and menacing in look and characterization, it’s no wonder that his badness imprinted on so many kids’ minds.


  • You were one lucky kid! 3 in one box must have been amazing. I enjoyed the card art at Christmas but I would have loved a gift set!

  • ”Looks like an evil Twin of Tom Selleck(Magnum P.I.)”

  • Wow how great to receive all 3 at once.

  • Dreadnok: Spirit

    Classic figure.

  • So who was in the Joe pack?

    I had Bludd long before I had Destro. He was also a frequent go-to-bad guy for me, being my only second Cobra character and one of just four Cobras I had for a couple of years. Eventually his o-ring snapped, but it was awhile before I realized how fixable that was.

    There’s also the answer to his right arm mystery. Is it armored to protect him from his rocket pistol backblast or a prosthetic?

    And the answer from Hasbro people is YES. Both, it seems.

    The lack of articulation has to do with not being able to get the detail they wanted unless they sacrificed movement. Bummer. (Why they carried this over into 25th era is baffling…that and Deep Six V1 were NOT things most people were nostalgic for…give us the articulation.)

    I feel we’ve never gotten the perfect MAJOR BLUDD 4″ figure.

  • This guy is one of my favorite figures, even if he hasn’t aged well. His character is big enough to carry him in any scene with newer, more detailed figures.

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