Destro (2014)

Here he is. Probably the most anticipated figure in the 50th Anniversary offerings. First seen at JoeCon as part of Hasbro’s concept case display, a new Destro has been on many fans’ wish lists for a remake. How does he measure up against previous modern versions? First off, he’s pretty large. Like Leatherneck, he towers over figures from earlier in

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Night Viper (2014)

What’s more frustrating than finding an original Retaliation Night Viper on the pegs? How about getting the follow-up figure to hold its main weapon? I must have tried ten times to get his tiny trigger finger through the guard while maneuvering the hand to grip the stock. I eventually gave up and sort of balanced the weapon between the arm

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Leatherneck (2014)

Say what you will about modern GI Joe vs the o-ring of old, the new style of construction sure lends itself well to kitbashing. For years, fans had been creating custom figures through the judicious reuse of existing parts, and the melding of various arms, legs, torsos, etc. Hasbro did the same from the earliest years of the Real American

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HEAT Viper (2014)

It’s good to see new GI Joe product on the shelves. Earlier this year, no one really knew if Hasbro was going to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the seminal action figure brand. All corners of the fandom have weighed in with opinions on the makeup of the Toy R Us exclusive line, and I won’t belabor the usual general

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Cobra Officer (2008)

Environmental specific figures have been favorites of mine since the 80s. I enjoyed playing with the arctic, desert and aquatic characters and imagining them in their unique locations. Living in the midwest, I had snow in the winter, and summer sandboxes stood in for the desert. Outside of the seasons, things like bedspreads and books represented snow fields and mountains.

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Tunnel Rat (2009)

The modern construction style lends itself to differing body sizes and heights. The same was true with the o-ring to an extent, but was not exploited as often as it has been among more recent figures. Tunnel Rat, one of the more diminutive GI Joe team members, finally received a figure that reflected his intended stature during the 25th Anniversary line.

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