12 Joe A Days: Day 9

On the ninth Joe A Day of Christmas, I lamely found something that relates to the number nine. Look, people, this holiday theme thing is harder than it seems. So to start over…on the ninth Joe A Day, it’s the 1982 nine back. I’m surprised that there’s not as much focus on cardback versions in Joe collecting as there is

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12 Joe A Days of Xmas: Day 6

It’s the sixth day, and sort of relating to six geese a laying is this exclusive six pack, with which Hasbro and Toys R Us laid an egg back in 2005. The “greenshirt” concept in modern GI Joe is something of a mismatch, considering the team’s nature as a group of highly trained specialists. From the beginning of the Real

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A Catalog Wish

There are no calling birds to be found on this fourth day of the twelve Joe A Days of Christmas, but there is a calling from a simpler time–1984, to be exact. From a childhood tome of toy wishes, and its aged pages come memories of the Real American Hero’s less remembered product. We’ll never see the likes of the

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