That’s How I Found It: Chinese Duke

We’re on a roll with the new That’s How I Found It (THIFI for short) video feature, showcasing items just as I’ve found them. This time, I’m looking at the Chinese release of Duke, from that strange discount store find of the 90s. I’ve had this figure since I bought it back then, but hadn’t located it in a while. What happened to it while it was lost? Watch and find out…


  • That was great, Rob
    I might have to make a “That’s how I found it”. I’ve got an item or two that would suit

  • Chinese Duke also has the Cobra Trooper waist. For a cheap replacement figure, these are great (especially fresh off the card!). But they’re often sold at a premium now because of the international notoriety.

  • There’s nothing more sweet than a freshly opened vintage Joe figure!

    I suspect that the card warping was not just due to heat, but moreso the moisture that accompanies the heat. I keep my carded figures in my garage where it routinely exceeds 120 degrees. But since there is basically zero humidity, the cards are just as nice as when I acquired them. When I lived in the midwest, though, the moisture there wreaked havoc on anything carded.

  • It wasn’t too long ago that a few dealers acquired hundreds and hundreds of loose Chinese Duke figures. They didn’t have accessories, but that was an easily rectified problem. Those figures sold for like $3 each. I bought a couple just because the paint was so minty.

    I wish I had picked up more of the Chinese figures back when they were dirt cheap. Even the Cobra Commanders used to be available for under $5 each. It was cheaper to buy a Chinese version and open it than it was to get a slightly off condition and incomplete American Cobra Commander.

  • How cool, I’ve never seen one.

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