Spring Break Takeover!

A couple of weeks ago, I put out a call for the readers of the site to contribute articles as both a fun change-up for Joe A Day and also as a way to net myself a little break time. By the way, I can’t believe it’s been almost four years since I started JAD–wow! Also by the way, big

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Cobra Trooper (2014 Kre-O)

Over the course of the Kre-O GI Joe run, there have been quite a few different variations of the classic “blueshirt” Cobra Trooper. Some were straight copies of the ’82-83 baddies, while others were new adaptations of the familiar helmeted henchmen. At a first glance of photos online, I thought that the figure was based on the 25th Anniversary Cobra

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Mirage (Lanard CORPS!)

So is this another instance of Hasbro losing the trademark to a previously used toy character name? Mirage has been the moniker of both an Autobot and a GI Joe. Now it’s also the name of a Lanard CORPS! agent. I wasn’t initially impressed by the revised construction of these figures. Like their 80s predecessors, they aped what was going

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Mutt (1989)

Mutt and Junkyard were favorites of mine back in 1984. With a host of great accessories, a cool uniform and an animal companion, the figure got a lot of play in my Joe adventures. I was surprised to see, upon returning to GI Joe collecting in the early 90s, that Mutt had another release. I was also surprised to catch

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