Cobra Invasion Trooper (2013)

What a compelling name. It really  conjures up images of Cobra…invading things. I don’t know what exactly he’s invading, but wherever it is, it’s going to be the reddest invasion ever. I kid about the coloring, but again, Cobra outdoes the GI Joe team in the style department. What we’ve got here is basically the Pursuit of Cobra Shock Trooper

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Lobotomaxx (1994)

As part of the final series of Real American Hero GI Joe, and the second Star Brigade, all semblance of reality is out the window with this figure. Avert your eyes, pure military Joe fans. What follows may be too upsetting to stomach.  If you’re a toy nut like me, however, bask in the green green glow of sheer insanity.

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Sgt. Airborne (2013)

This could be the original Airborne, or it could be his alternate Sky Patrol namesake. Since he was released as part of the Retaliation movie line, and therefore has no file card, you’re free to choose who you want it to be. Maybe he’s a third version of the code name; a new guy whose secondary specialty is immune system

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Beach-Head (1994)

I’ve been a bad GI Joe blogger, in terms of cataloging all of the various accessories included with the figures I cover. I suppose I could make excuses, and say that I’m not supposed to be an exhaustive guide site, like or a type of online museum like 3DJoes. Of course, I am neither of those, but as a

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What would you think about a GI Joe blog’s post if it had nothing to do with GI Joe? Well, I’ve had a few that technically aren’t GI Joe, but close. You know, the CORPS! and other tangentially related toys. Today’s post has nothing to do with toys, and that’s actually a relief for me to write about. Having done

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Dr. Mindbender (2004)

Well, the good Doctor finally found a little humility in the new millennium, and put on a shirt. After all, what makes more sense for a mad scientist type than a white lab coat? The man can’t leave behind his flair for fashion however, and picked out a side buttoning affair along with jackboots and bloused pants. He’s even sporting

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