Crystal Ball (1987)

Crystal Ball is one of those lovable losers upon which some fans of the stranger side of the RAH line have built a foundation. Yes, many think the man is a joke. But I say, look closer, and maybe there’s a spark in him that could be fanned into a greater flame. I wouldn’t mind seeing a horror aspect make

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Jungle B.A.T. (2011)

In my lingering memory of the Pursuit of Cobra and the 30th anniversary lines, frustration is equally a part of my impressions as wonderful sculpts and amazing accessories. I didn’t want to be negative today, but I feel like I have to be realistic when talking about collecting. There are ups, downs and potholes in the road. The Pursuit of Cobra

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Cobra Trooper (2012 Retaliation)

When I first saw pictures of the Retaliation Cobra Trooper, I thought, hey, looks like the Joe line is getting back some color, albeit electric blue. The design doesn’t follow what we’ve seen of the movie troopers in trailers and pictures. They seem to be outfitted in an urban camo and black helmets, resembling a paramilitary security force more than

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Hardball (1988)

Anyone up for an intense baseball analogy today? No? Well, too bad, because here’s Hardball, the Joe team’s grenadier. The baseball references are so thick here, its hard to see much else in the midst of them. He’s wearing a jersey and cap. Fine, no big deal. His name sounds suspiciously similar to that of the supposed inventor of baseball.

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Sgt. Stone (2009)

During the Joe A Day podcast special, one of the readers brought up last year’s Nice Pants theme week. While I’m not quite ready to dig up that old chestnut, I was drawn hypnotically to another movie figure’s dungarees while sifting through my storage bins. Sgt. Stone made a controversial appearance (to me, at least) in the Rise of Cobra.

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